Why Dogs Follow You Into the Bathroom?

9. They’re afraid.

Dogs might be following you to the bathroom for protection. If there’s something weird happening, like a thunderstorm or a loud truck, your dog might follow you around. They want you to look after them and comfort them, so be sure to give them lots of love and pets.

  • Many dogs are also scared of loud noises like fireworks. If your dog follows you to the bathroom on the 4th of July, they’re probably just nervous about the noises.

10. They aren’t feeling well.

In rare cases, your dog may be clingy because they’re sick. If your dog didn’t used to follow you to the bathroom but now they do, they may be trying to tell you something. If you’re concerned about your dog, make an appointment with your vet to get them checked out.

  • You might also notice that your dog is clingier in other parts of your home, too. Maybe they want to lay right next to you on the couch or be by your feet, when they usually don’t do that.