Why Dogs Follow You Into the Bathroom?

Dogs love to stay by your side, even when you’re doing something, well… private. But have you ever wondered why, exactly, your dog is so interested in you when you’re doing your business?

For a lot of dogs, it’s simply because they’re pack animals, and they like to stick by your side. But other dogs might be following you for a different reason. Read this article to learn more about your canine companion and why they like to accompany you to the porcelain throne.

Things You Should Know

  • Dogs will often follow you to the bathroom because they like your company. They’re pack animals, and they’re used to sticking together.
  • Your dog might also want affection, or they could be waiting for a walk, food, or treats.
  • If your dog is a “Velcro dog,” they like to stay by your side. They’ll probably follow you anywhere in your home.
  • In rare cases, your dog might be following you around because they are afraid, are sick, or have separation anxiety.

1. They’re social animals.

Dogs are pack animals, and they love hanging out with us. In fact, your dog would probably hang out with you 24/7 if possible! When they follow you to the bathroom and around the house, take it as a compliment: it means they really enjoy your company.

  • Before dogs were domesticated, staying in a group (or a pack) was important for the safety and survival of the animals. This evolutionary trait has morphed into your dog being a social animal who just likes to hang out with you.

2. They want affection.

Dogs love attention, so they might be following you to get it. If you haven’t pet your dog in a while or given them any love, they might just be heading to the bathroom with you to get it. If you don’t want to pet them right then, that’s okay—just be sure to find them when you’re done for some cuddles and kisses.

  • Maybe you notice that your dog follows you to the bathroom more often when you’ve been busy with other things. If that’s the case, their need for affection is likely the reason.

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